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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Gum Infection is not a problem

Gum disease is a bacterial infection of the gum tissue, it is a serious condition that starts as gingivitis and can progress to periodontitis.
According to the British Dental Health Foundation "19 out of 20 people suffer from gum disease (gingivitis) at some point in their life making it the most common disease in the world

During a typical checkup your dentist or dental hygienist will remove the plaque and tartar from above and below the gumline of all your teeth. If you have some signs of gingivitis, your dentist may recommend that you return for future cleanings more often than twice a year. Your dentist may also recommend that you use a toothpaste or mouth rinse that is FDA-approved for fighting gingivitis.

The gum infection treatment for a gum ball, the patient is numbed and the gum boil is cleaned out and drained of pus. An antibiotic chip is placed in the remaining pocket and the patient is given a Tetracycline 500mg prescription to take for a week. This causes swelling and the opposing tooth starts biting down into the swollen gums. In most cases with Pericornitis, the patient is placed on Keflex 500 mg for three to seven days and the wisdom tooth is remove

Read more: How to Get Rid of Gum Infection is not a problem